Behind every innovative product
is a powerful team.

Who's behind WATERLOO?

Our company philosophy


We develop our products and services exclusively in cooperation with our customers. Together, we forge the path from idea to market.
As a result, our customers receive genuine solutions offering maximum customer benefit. Our solutions are derived from practice, for practice.

In the twenty-first century, software must be fun and easy to operate and teach. Self-explanatory tools are the order of the day.
Some developers opt to take the easy route: developing complex solutions and charging large amounts of money for training. That’s never been our way. Instead, we work hard to ensure that our software is as user-friendly as possible.

We live in fascinating times. By harnessing the power of smart solutions, we can achieve amazing benefits for water providers everywhere.
Whether tablets, apps, voice solutions, chat solutions or state-of-the-art web applications: there’s never been a better time to digitalise. Against this background, we help water providers tackle the digitalisation process easily, quickly and in a way that yields true advantages.



Markus Obmann-Krenn BA MA
Head of Support
Jelena Lukic
Katja Onida
Customer Success
Henrik Mertens
Digital Sales Representative I Wasserwart I WLC Experte
Halla Mahmoud
Digital Sales Trainee

+43 463 90 91 90

Florian Krömer
Digital Sales Trainee

+43 463 90 91 90

Christina Obmann
Content Marketing Managerin
Susanne Moser
Marketing Managerin
Michael Wirnsperger
Maria Morozova
Product Owner

+43 463 90 91 90

Lukas Gollner
Armin Preiml
Niko Kuschnig
Lukas Ostertschnig
Lukas Koch
Eldar Tutnjic
Florian Beckel
Backend Developer
Samuel Mancini
Junior Full-Stack-Developer