Save with WATERLOO - it's easy and efficient.


Simply tell us what you need and we’ll be in touch with a personalised, no-obligation quote within days.

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    Icon Wasserzähler (funk)

    Ich möchte WATERLOO einsetzen für...

    Geben Sie bitte Ihren Name, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Wasserversorger/ Gemeinde/ Stadt ein.
    Sie können uns auch telefonisch zu Geschäftszeiten unter +43 463 90 91 90 oder +49 861 869 94000 erreichen.

    Overview of available packages:
    ProFor efficient water meter management PremiumHarnessing the power of residents for improvements in efficiency
    Everything you need for meter exchange and periodic replacement on a tablet
    Technicians can take meter readings using a tablet
    Checklists (according to the ÖNORM and DNORM standards) for on-site activities
    Meter stock management
    Automated verification of data quality
    Excel export
    30+ interfaces within the billing system
    Everything you need to enable residents to self-report their meter readings:
    WATERLOO 365, app for Android and iOS
    www.zä – the website for reporting meter readings
    Fully automated hotline for the reporting of meter readings
    Chatbot for residents
    From 54 centsper meter per year From € 1.04per meter per year
    Included in every package:
    Maintenance and updates

    A solution that’s continuously adapted in line with your needs and requirements.

    Professional support

    Our experienced product advisors are there to help, whenever you need them.

    As many users as you need

    So all your employees can enjoy the benefits.

    Real-time synchronisation

    Wave goodbye to problems arising from discrepancies in data.

    Export functionality

    Data can be imported and exported as needed in all standard formats.

    High-end security

    Secure data transfer that meets the requirements of data protection law.